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Planned Giving
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania seeks to enrich and maintain the historical record and create a better future through historical understanding. Through your bequest or other planned gift, you will ensure that this valuable institution continues its mission to support historical preservation, conservation, research, and education.
The Historical Society offers many planned giving opportunities, all of which can be tailored to meet your specific financial and estate-planning needs. A planned gift offers many advantages including:
Fulfill philanthropic goals
Convert low-yielding or non-income producing assets into lifelong income
Reduce or eliminate capital gains costs and/or estate tax liability
Enjoy significant income tax deduction
Increase spendable income
Ways to Give
There are many ways to give through a planned gift. Click here to find out more.
How to Give
The Development Office of HSP supports a full range of charitable gift planning options and services. If you wish to make a planned gift, we urge you to meet with your attorney, financial advisor, or estate-planning professional to discuss your options. If you would like further information on ways to give, please contact JC Hatalski, Chief Development Officer at
All inquiries are confidential and without obligation.
The 1824 Legacy Society
The 1824 Legacy Society (formerly known as the Penn CommonWealth Circle) recognizes those generous individuals who are leaving a future legacy to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. We will acknowledge a bequest intention or other planned gifts of any size with membership in the 1824 Legacy Society.
Learn about leaving a bequest.