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Mon & Fri 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
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Let us be of service to you!
Please let us know of any special needs in advance of your visit so that we may ensure you have a pleasant experience. Please contact us through our online customer service system: You may also reach Visitor Services by phone at 215-732-6200 ext. 221.
Due to temporary construction, the barrier-free entrance along 13th street must be accessed from the south side. Patrons needing to use it should approach HSP on the west side of 13th, heading north from Spruce Street. They may unload from a vehicle along Irving Street, which is one-way eastbound and intersects 13th Street just south of the barrier free door. The GPS address is 236 S. 13th Street.
We can best accommodate you if you call ahead at 215-732-6200.
If you need to bring an assistant with you for any kind of physical impairment during your visit, we will not charge your accompanying aide admission. Upon advanced request, Visitor Services can also provide you with a research aide here.
Special Services
To assist with reading documents, our Library will provide you with magnifying glasses. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania is service dog friendly.
If you would like to bring a translator with you for assistance in communicating with staff and interpreting HSP’s collection materials, we will not charge your accompanying aide admission.
Cultural and Religious needs
If you have need of a space for breast-feeding, prayer, or an activity that would be most comfortable in private, please ask Visitor Services at the front desk for assistance. We will accommodate you to the best of our abilities.