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Board of Councilors
Executive Committee
Eric W. Noll, Board Chair, CEO and Chairman of FusionIQ
J. Rudy Lewis, Executive Vice Chair and Chair for Learning and Engagement, Neighborly Living, LLC, Owner
Elizabeth (LiLy) Milroy, Secretary, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, Drexel University, Professor Emerita of Art & Art History
Jay Rose, Treasurer, Woodcock Washburn LLP, Executive Director (Retired)
Alice L. George, Chair for Library, Independent Historian and Author
Lori E. Cohen, Chair for Institutional Advancement, Arader Galleries, Director and Partner
Dr. Martha “Missy” Hutson-Saxton, At-Large Member of the Executive Committee, Independent Art Historian & Scholar
John C. McMeekin II, Chair for Audit, Rawle & Henderson LLP, Partner
Denise J. Smyler, Esquire, At-Large Member of the Executive Committee, Attorney-at-Law
LiRon Anderson-Bell, Senior Vice President, Executive and Transformation Communications, TIAA
Ashley M. Cook, Esquire (Ex-Officio), Wells Fargo Bank N.A., Sr. Vice President / Sr. Philanthropic Specialist
Paul A. E. Cummings, Managing Director, Lead Relationship Executive, Geller Advisors
H. Richard Dietrich III, Dietrich American Foundation, President
Teresa Gavigan, Attorney and Experienced HR Executive
Thomas O. Hiscott, Esquire, Partner, Heckscher, Teillon, Terrill & Sager, P.C.
Curlee R. Holton, Raven Fine Art Editions, Founding Director and Master Printer
Kate Jiggins, Doula and Event Planner
Walter M. Licht, University of Pennsylvania, Walter H. Annenberg Emeritus Professor of History
Georgiana Noll, Community Leader and Philanthropist
David A. Othmer, Independent Strategic Planning Consultant (Former Station Manager, WHYY)
Tom Riley, Connelly Foundation, President
Paul Roberts, Freeman’s Auction, President
Timothy R. Schantz, History Factory, Chief Administrative Officer, Clear Harbor Asset Management, Vice Chairman
Henry B. Smith (“Hank”), The Haverford Trust Company, Director and Head of Investment Strategy
Emeritus Councilors
Henry Lafayette Collins III
George W. Connell
Bruce Fenton, Chairman Emeritus
Collin F. McNeil
David W. Maxey*
Charles E. Mather III*
Sarah D. Price
Representative James R. Roebuck, Jr., Pennsylvania House of Representatives*
Alice Lea M. Tasman
Harrison M. Wright