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Other Local Repositories
HSP's resources and collections are highlighted in numerous regional and national indexes, inventories, guides, and databases. They contain information about many parts of our collections, notably portions of our graphics, newspaper, and microfilm holdings. Online examples include Places in Time: Historical Documentation of Place in Greater Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Historical Digital Image Library (PHDIL).
Other resources include the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL) Finding Aids website and the PACSCL Survey Database, highlighted below, which contain information on collections at numerous libraries and archives in the Delaware Valley, including HSP.
You can also see more information about one of HSP's newest projects, the Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Repositories (HCI-PSAR), which is helping to uncover hundreds of hidden archival collections at many of the small archival repositories in the five county Philadelphia area.
HCI-PSAR's goal is to make better known and more accessible the largely hidden archival collections of the region’s many small historical repositories. Read more...
The Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL) finding aids website includes the finding aids of PACSCL members as well as those of the many small repositories in the five-county Philadelphia area that have participated in HSP's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories.